Hair Loss Treatment Sarasota FL

Hair Loss Causes

Located in Sarasota, Florida, and serving all of greater Tampa Bay, Hair Transplant Center provides exceptional service and results designed to help our clients to restore their confidence.

Hair Loss Solution Sarasota FL
Hair Loss Causes

What Causes Hair Loss?

Some hair loss and shedding are expected, with the average human losing approximately 80 strands of hair daily. Therefore it should not be alarming if you notice a few stray hairs on the sink or in your hairbrush. The hair follicles typically replace the hair shaft with new hair. 

However, if you notice more hair in your shower or drain lately and are concerned, it may be time to consult a hair restoration professional to determine the cause. A doctor can determine what is really going on and potentially utilize early-intervention techniques when new hair is not replacing the hair falling out.  

Some hair loss, such as broken strands or hairs with split ends, is caused by heat styling and chemical usage – and an individual can correct shedding by changing habits. However, hair loss is often caused by biological factors such as pregnancy or genetic predisposition. Hair Transplant Center – Sarasota provides hair transformation treatments to restore hair and confidence. 

The first step is to understand why people lose their hair – here are some of the most common reasons. 

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Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that attacks…..@

Mental Health

A 2013 study found that stress can be one cause…..

Drug Treatments

Hair loss is a common side effect of many drugs…..


Hair loss can happen because of infections, like tinea…..


Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that causes sudden and unpredictable hair loss on the scalp and body, including eyebrows and eyelashes. The potential for hair regrowth varies depending on the severity of the disease, and natural regrowth isn’t always possible. Those who live with alopecia areata often rely on steroids or hair restoration techniques to hide their hair loss.  

Mental Health

Research proves that stress and anxiety can manifest physical symptoms, including hair loss. In addition to imbalances in the body, a mental health condition known as trichotillomania can cause patients to pull out their own hair as a coping mechanism for elevated stress levels. 

Drug Treatments

Many patients who take prescription medications may experience hair loss, although the severity and duration vary significantly. Those experiencing hair loss while on medication can speak with their physician, who may recommend changing the drug’s dosage or trying another medication to restore patchy or thinning hair patches. One of the most well-known hair loss reactions is related to chemotherapy. The treatment has an adverse effect on the body’s ability to maintain healthy cells and often results in alopecia or other types of baldness. Beta-blockers can also interrupt hair growth by inhibiting the signaling process between nerves and muscles.    


While not the only infection that causes hair loss, tinea capitis is the most common. Known as “ringworm of the scalp,” scaly patches infect the hair in the surrounding area causing the fibers to become brittle and inflamed and eventually break off. Hair loss from this type of infection may be slight or significant, but hair may grow back over time. 

Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of balding. Hair loss can occur at the temples or the crown of the head. The actual pattern that hair loss follows is tied to genetics and heredity, sometimes resulting in the “M-shape” hairline often associated with the condition. Over time, some men will experience total hair loss.

Male pattern baldness is related to hormonal levels and the shrinking hair follicles that occur with age. As men grow older, scalp hairs grow shorter and finer – and eventually will not grow back after shedding.

Men who are experiencing hair loss should consult with an experienced physician. At The Hair Transplant Center – Sarasota, we are committed to determining the root cause of each patient’s hair loss to recommend the best strategy for restoration. From topical solutions to cutting-edge hair restoration treatments, we will recommend the best option for every situation.

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